Saturday, July 19, 2008

Summer half-done

It is July 19, 2008 at around 9:00 in the morning. I reckon summer has been half-done for me for a long time. USF begins August 23, which just makes me sad. Time has crept up behind me and slowly became out of reach for me. Time doesn't wait for anyone, and I've learned it the hard way. I have so much things going on for me, such as college and people. I sort of lost a sense of time when my mind is on so many other issues.

Since my last post, I have taken two APs, and I failed them both. I knew I was going to get the scores I get, and I would like to make an apology to my parents for wasting their money. haha. I graduated. I had a taste of what University of San Francisco is going to be for me. I also embarked on a new journey. [oh snap. so vague. sup.] I did stuff with friends. And now, I started playing Final Fantasy 10 again. I also had a little rendezvous with my Dreamcast. Playing all these games makes me feel like I'm back in freshman year or something. The Dreamcast especially makes me feel old! But yup, that's what I did since my last post in a nutshell.

A lot of stuff goes through my mind. One example is how can I get through college when I still use words such as 'things' and 'stuff'. haha. Hopefully, my vocabulary will expand enough for me not to resort to those words in essays...and now I completely forgot what's been on my mind. I guess edit later, or new post later. 'Til next time!

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