I haven't posted in awhile. so I'm just do a real quick update.
I've been feeling a whole lot better overall. no more emo kid in the corner. that's what's up. I feel like things are looking up for me, school-wise and relationships-wise. Balancing it out is still no easy task, but I'm a trooper, so I think I can handle it. My latest obsession: Korean dramas. Wtf man? I didn't think I'd see the day. I've finished watching Coffee Prince, and I'm not gonna lie, I cried a bit. It just totally got to me. And now I'm watching Soulmate, which is pretty good in its own right. However, I recommend Coffee Prince. I believe there's this underlying message that I should get across, but it's just way too deep for people to get if they haven't watched it. So go. watch. cry. :)
I got a midterm in about 4 hours. I'm really chill about it. I feel like I got everything down. But I want to stay up late. I don't think it's a good idea, since I have to drive tomorrow, but I just can't sleep. I plan to sleep at my friend's house. I also want to bring my digital SLR again for those sunny days. Capturing beauty is one thing, but showing its true beauty is something I plan to do. Anyways, I don't have any cool-ass pictures, but here's a picture of myself right now as I write at 4:42 a.m. tee hee. :
WDYWT: Levi's 511's, Plaid shirt, H&M sweater, Van's Sk8. nah, i'm just kidding. I don't wear good enough shit to post about. I just want to pretend I'm cool in this one post.