Tuesday, April 28, 2009

public speaking

I got a speech tomorrow. I'm supposed to be persuading people to my kind of thinking. I've decided to do it on legalizing gay marriage, a very controversial topic in this day and age. I'll be talking about people to accept it. I think I got some good shit; I wrote an essay about gay marriage, and I actually got this girl to accept it and think I'm right. lolwut?

I need to get some more clothes. sigh. plaid shirts just won't cut it anymore. I'm planning to go to Haight tomorrow and hit up True and Stussy to get a tee. Prepping for those hot days to come! :] which I'm really excited about, by the way. I love the hot weather, it just feels so natural to me. Cold days make me feel like shit and want to kill myself.

And I think my family wants to kill me. I opened the fridge, and then I see five tubs of ice cream. I'm probably gonna die in about a year or so.

I still have to work, so I'm done. deep talk later, ja?

PS: my student picture ID is TOTALLY faded. :(

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