My very first blogger account. Very interesting experience so far. For my very first post, I'll disclose some fun facts about myself:
Name: Angelo
Birthday: January 25, 1990
Age: 18
Ethnicity: Filipino
Location: South San Francisco
School: Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory
Hobbies: My computer, "guitar-ing" my life away, music, video games, anime, basketball, Plan B, blah blah blah.
Favorite food: It has to be Bilo-bilo Ginataan, or however you spell it. It's a Filipino dessert that's made up of jackfruit, bilo-bilo. It's AMAZING.
Languages I pretend that I know: English, Tagalog, and Spanish.
Favorite phrase of all time (in another language): Mayroon party sa pantalones ko, or 'There's a party in my pants'. :]
Coolest thing about me: my glasses. haha.
Favorite TV shows: One Tree Hill, House, Grey's Anatomy, and Heroes.
Favorite Movie: Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan.
XBOX Live ID: distortedGELO
Experience with blogs (if any?): My beloved Xanga, R.I.P., and a little bit of LiveJournal!
Concerts?: I've been to one only in my entire life. And I got to say, it was pretty awesome. Cold Hot Crash was one of the major bands. Check them out! a local band with loads of potential.
Dream in life: Have a family, have the ability to support that family, and be a linguist.
Things to do before I die: A couple is learn 4 languages, live in the Philippines for a year, and figure out what job really makes me happy.
That's me in a nutshell. I'm sure there are more things to come! But in the mean time, I'll explain how my day went today!
I stayed up 'til 1:00 in the morning today. Not so good, 'cause I had one headache that was killing me. I was very tempted to drink a Monster, but I took the high road and took it like a man. Day went smoothly; I finished some homework due today in the various classes I had today. I also contemplated about the thing that is Life. I don't know. Some days, I just have these random moments where I just stop and think about what's happening to me. You know, actually
being in the present; letting my mind focus at the task at hand. Meh, I also tried to come up with catchy lyrics today. :]
So, Blogger, hope you can inspire me to make layouts as I had before with Xanga and also give me the motivation to make entries frequently. 'Til next time.